Tuesday, November 4, 2008

You are voting for OBAMA right?......

Happy election day folks,

Is everyone excited and set to do their patriotic duty? You should be as this will be a historic election! Since Jim and I already placed our votes early, it is really all about watching the results today. This should be nerve-wracking to say the least. Anyhoo enough of that!

So I am up a bit earlier than normal this AM because I am off to have a pelvic MRI done.
This is a follow-up test to my HSG (hysterosalpingogram) which showed a possible uterine shape abnormality. Hopefully the MRI will give the doc a better idea of what if any problem there might be. I am hoping this whole thing was a fluke but if it turns out to be abnormal, I am hoping it will be something easily fixable. We shall see.

I was chatting with my good friend Mike last night and explaining I had to go for this test today. When I told him it was because I had an abnormal uterine shape, he laughed and said, " It is just like you to have an ABNORMAL UTERUS - not to mention everything else abnormal about you"
I really did have to laugh because it really is true! Nothing about myself or life journey has been anything CLOSE to normal. Having an abnormal uterus on this "babytrain" is pretty much just par for the course. I just wish someone would have given me the heads up BEFORE I started this TTC thing.

I charted my temp this morning and got what we TTC'ers like to call crosshairs. This is when FF or Fertility Friend (my charting program) detects the day you ovulated and gives you lines showing as such - to see my chart click here: http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/1bc628
The vertical line indicates O day and the horizontal line is called the coverline which just gives you an idea of a middle ground between your pre-O temps and post-O temps.
I think I actually ovulated CD13 rather than CD12 as FF says but either way we should be covered this month. At this point, only time will tell. I feel like I am babbling and there was a good point to all this.

I am now officially in what we TTC'ers like to called the dreaded.......

TWW = the time from ovulation til either:
1. the stinky, wart-covered, AF witch shows OR
2. we get a blazing BFP on our home pregnancy test!

I always vote for the latter! So now it's a question of holding out as long as possible from POAS.
I usually do really well til about 12DPO and then cave and start peeing on anything resembling a HPT! It's around 10DPO I start looking longingly at my private HPT stash. Thank God there are such things as internet cheapie pregnancy test strips and $tree store tests. I would break the bank otherwise. Makes me sincerely wish I had invested some money in Home pregnancy test companies. I would be a rich lady.

So that's the scoop for today - Hopefully my test goes uneventfully today and that my favorite candidate wins with a landslide. That is my hope and prayer for the day. We shall see.
Wishing each of you a wonderful day - get out and VOTE!!!!!

1 comment:

RadioKitten said...

Good luck with the MRI and welcome to the TWW!! AF arrived for me yesterday which in my warped little world clearly means that the universe owes me an Obama presidency!! LOL!!