Thursday, November 6, 2008

Another Thursday stuck in the two week wait....

Morning folks,

Yep it happened overnight....I am now officially in full-out .....................................
It all began last night when I started to think to myself about how many DPO (days post ovulation) I was!

Now for you non-TTC'ers I will give you some of the signs & symptoms of a true case
of TWW:

1. you start repeatedly going to you chart to look at all your temps and symptoms and start looking back at all your old charts to compare
2. you go to the chart gallery and look for pregnancy charts that look like your current cycle.
3. you inventory your peestick stash and make out a shopping list
4. you start to have rapid and sudden mood swings vacillating between believing this is your month and being sure you are OUT!

These are only a few of the most well-known symptoms and I am sure there are more.

Now the second part of a ladies cycle is called the LUTEAL PHASE. This time period is very constant in terms of days for each lady. I know my average luteal phase is generally 13-14 days long. So in terms of testing I know that I am truly
"LATE" if I get to 15DPO without AF flying in. I usually make it to about 12DPO and then cave and test.
I am currently 5DPO and nowhere near testing time. After 16 months of testing early, the urge is not QUITE as great for fear of seeing the dreaded single line. The closest I have come to seeing those two wonderful lines on my peestick is when I did a medicated cycle and had and HCG trigger shot to induce my O. This causes a false positive preggers test until it leaves your body - which is about 8-10 days. YES - I totally POAS daily to watch it leave.
Sick? YES but Oh so gratifying too!

So I am sure I will be obsessing over any symptoms I have fairly soon - I promise to share with you all!

On a completely different note - I am totally LOVING the sunshine and warmth we are having here. It's been in the 70's and sunny all week! This weekend is supposed to be cold (40's and snow) so I am avidly trying to suck it all in why it lasts! I think I will walk to work today in that vain ( and yes, I do live very close to work thankfully)

I am off to do my Dunkin Donuts coffee run - yummmmy!
Have a fantastic day!

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