Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Makes me want to buy a pack to put on my MANY Zoey scratches I have!

Here we are again folks.....SUSHI TUESDAY.....the day of the week that I have devoted entirely to all the little things that put a smile on every one's face~

You know..... like when the cashier doubles your grocery coupon just because OR the when the clerk at Dunkin Donuts makes your coffee with just the perfect amount of sugar and cream without having to ask. Just that perfect little extra special something!


My extra special something for the week is :
The bag of Lindt Lindor white chocolate truffles that hubby bought me when he did our weekly grocery shopping at Wally world.
If you have never had these - it's sooooo worth trying them.
They will most definitely put a smile on your face!


What's YOUR extra special something??????????????????????


All has been pretty quiet around here lately. My follow-up appt. with Dr. G went well. I am healing up nicely and my incisions look good. I am still feeling some pain now and then but mostly it is the fatigue that is getting to me. I feel like I am working at about 50%.
I know that hopefully within another week I will be back to normal (whatever the heck THAT is)


I am still working on processing Ralph's death. I had so many mixed emotions with it that I never anticipated and it is just taking a bit more time for me to work through.

I spoke with mom the other day and had an interesting yet somewhat unexpected conversation. She asked me if I had copy of their (my parents) advance directives and will. I told her I did not and needed to get a copy to keep in our house. This obviously on the heels of Ralph's death. That conversation lead us into a discussion about their wishes and long term plans. Despite my initial trepidation in discussing this stuff with mom, I quickly realized that a "sort of relief" passed over me when we were doing so. It's was as if talking about the whole subject allowed me a sense of comfort and peace.

It feels a bit weird that I was able to come to a place of serenity in discussing this with mom but I am grateful nonetheless for having had the conversation.


In feline news:

Zoey is scheduled to be spayed this coming up Monday. In addition she is getting all her shots as well. I really think the worst part of the whole thing will be having to take up the food and water dish the night before. Both cats will be grumpy, whiney brats in the morning.

Not much else to share today - but I can't WAIT for tomorrow's Show & Tell!!!!
I have something FABULOUS to show AND tell.
Betcha can't wait.......Come back tomorrow and check it out!


1 comment:

Beautiful Mess said...

Glad you're healing up well. Lets hope you're better then you were before!

It's good that you're talking with your mom about this. We never talked about death. Well my parents did with each other, but not with us kids. It was always "if" not "when". Then IT happened and I was in denial for three years...oops. So it IS a good thing. I'm glad you did it and it wasn't bad.