Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Super Sushi Tuesday....bet you missed it!!!


Here we are again folks.....SUSHI TUESDAY.....the day of the week that I have devoted entirely to all the little things that put a smile on every one's face~

You know..... like when the cashier doubles your grocery coupon just because OR the when the clerk at Dunkin Donuts makes your coffee with just the perfect amount of sugar and cream without having to ask. Just that perfect little extra special something!


My special something lately has been my husband - A.K.A. - "Bear".
He has been my support, friend, sounding board, and love since the day we met.
He never fails to make me laugh when I am down and to help bring me back to reality when I am really out there. He is the cooler head when I am over the top angry and rational when I am nothing but emotion. I sincerely cannot imagine a day without him in my life.
Thank you my dear BEAR - I love you!!! - Now AND Forever!


DON'T forget to share YOUR special something for the week!


.I have been having SUCH a hard time blogging lately. Some it is obviously due to me not feeling well enough but I really think it is much more than that. As my body continues to refuse to cooperate with me, I think a large part of this "writers block" has to do with my emotional place it has put me in.

It is a very solitary, inward place - it is a place filled along the walls with boxes. Each box has a different set of emotions inside - sadness, emptiness, hope, fear, anger, despair, joy, love, hurt, gratitude, anxiety, and so on. I envision myself sitting in the middle of this room. The boxes are all just sitting there closed up and waiting for someone to explore them. They are waiting for someone to sort them, to work through them, and put them where they belong.

I just can't seem to manage any of that right now - I just want to stay where I am - in the "nothingness" - the quiet serenity in my "stuckness".
Not worrying about feeling at all - rather just being. It is a much different place than I have ever been and I have been very alone there. I can't say I have been unhappy there however I am slowly realizing that it is time to move on. It is time to move the physical part of me in hopes the emotional part will follow. Time to start tackling some of those boxes no matter how they make me feel.

My hope is that by getting outside of this emotional place - that I will be able to move forward.
To take some of those emotions with me and use them - and maybe just maybe........... get some acceptance along the way.

Did you hear that Universe? Acceptance......that would be nice.




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