Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Happy 1st Blogoversary to me!!!

Can you believe it folks? One year ago today, I started publishing my rants!

It seems much longer than a year but I think that's because I had all this stuff bouncing around in my head before I actually started to write.

My very first post does a pretty good job of giving a run-down of my IF history.

At the time of that first post - We were waiting on results from a pelvic MRI to give us an idea of where we were headed on our infertility journey. After those results came back and the IF doc sat us down to discuss options, it became clear that IVF was really going to be our best shot at a biological child. Just about the time that we were going through all this, I had some serious medical problems which put everything on hold. I had to take an honest look at my health and make the decision to honor my body & health first. This meant giving up the dream of having a biological child and grieving that as well. It took some time, but I worked to find a place of acceptance in that process. In all honesty, I still grieve this fact to this day - but as each day passes it gets a bit easier.

In the midst of all this, Jim and I started seriously re-visiting adoption as a family-building option for us. The more we talked about it, the more it seemed like a good fit. In the late spring of 2009, Jim and I attended the mandatory adoption classes through our county and started on our adoption paperwork as well.

Then my body had another minor break-down. BOO HISS!!!!!
It has taken a few surgeries, lots of recovery time and some incredible support from family & friends to get where I am today. Today I am feeling good - better than I have in months.
I pray that my body continues to heal and that come November, Jim and I will be able to once again actively pursue our adoption plan.
That's my hope anyway....but as I have just never know what tomorrow brings!

So there you have it - my life for the last year wrapped up neatly on this blog.
Some of it good and some of it bad - some of it hilarious and some of it heart-breaking.
But definitely, ALL of it MINE!
Life, love and laughter at the heart of it all.


UPDATE: As it is with my life: My follow-up appt. with the surgeon today did not go as I had planned. The drain I was hoping to have removed, has to stay in until the drainage decreases significantly- probably another week or so. I also have to continue on antibiotics for a month.
The good news is that everything else looks good and I am feeling great. It's a question of patience at this time....but we all know...I DON'T DO patience ya'll!!!




Jen said...

wow, you seem pretty upbeat considering. Happy 1st Blogoversary! hope you continue to heal

Delenn said...

Happy 1st Blogoversary! Time has a way of slipping by, eh? I am totally with you on the non-patience thing! Keep on healing!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogoversary MyFriend!!! And I'm praying for patience.........for both of us!!!=)

Beautiful Mess said...

Happy blogoversary!!! Glad you're feeling better. I'll send you some patience, hon! I don't have much either, but maybe it'll double if I share?

Kate said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! And sorry about the persistent drain, but so glad all else looks good. Hoping you are FEELING good and better and knowing that the steps you have been taking are positive-- your body has been through so much, and your heart-- so,
thinking of you and sending love,
and wishes for you to feel better and better each day.